Here's Gibby

My photo
Norfolk, VA, United States
Just a girl from Mississippi who married a Sailor. Most people consider me weird and I consider most weird people normal.

09 June 2008

Family Vay-Kay

Well let’s see, I have been pretty busy at work and trying to keep busy so I don’t get in trouble since my review is coming up and I am hoping to not get fired. We will see tomorrow if I still have a job or if I should put my resume in at Lowes.

Last weekend Matt, the dogs and I drove down to Mobile to see his family and to meet my family at Gulf Shores. So we plan on leaving Thursday night after work but Matt says that his boss wants him to check in Friday morning at 6:30 to just take roll and leave. So Thursday afternoon we are getting the lawn mowed and packing clothes for the trip. Matt decides to rotate his tires since we are taking his truck. He takes off the back tire and it looked like one of those racing tires that are smooth with no tread. I said, I am not riding to mobile on those tires. So Friday morning Matt got up to go to work and I got up to go get him new tires. After the tires we packed up all the x-wife’s stuff and all of our stuff in the truck and we were off.

We get to Mobile around dinner time and we had hamburgers on the grill and just relaxed that night. We got up Saturday morning to go to the Monastery to get my grandmother a St. Petagrine necklace. Matt’s mom had bought his dad one when he had cancer and she suggested I get one for my grandma so I did. I also got some fudge called heavenly hash that was made by the nuns. Anytime you mix pecans, chocolate and marshmallows you will have a hit with me.

We got done just in time to have lunch at our favorite shopping mall Mexican restaurant in Mobile. My mom, dad, sis, brother-in-law, and nephew had just got in town from Mississippi and they met us there. My brother-in-law ordered Chili Relleno without the red sauce because he doesn’t like tomatoes or tomato sauce. Julie had something and I think she was going to complain about it but my mom was sitting next to her so she did ok at this particular meal.

So after we filled our stomach’s full of delicious Chili’s stuffed with Mexican cheese we all met at Matt’s parent’s house. Matt’s mom and dad give them a tour of the house explaining past additions, current projects, and antique hand-me-downs. Then we all went outside for an afternoon siesta in the swing. Dorie and Prancer (Liz’s dog) entertained themselves with a plastic water bottle eventually to the point where we thought they would pass out from heat stroke and the bottle had to be taken away for a water break. We talked until Julie was ready to go either because of Matt’s pipe smoke, mosquitoes, or the spider web that was in the chain of the swing or all of the above.

The next day we were to all meet at Gulf Shoes beach for fun in the sun. So we got up to begin coating ourselves down with sunscreen and hunting beach umbrellas, coolers, chairs, snacks, sunglasses, chap stick, towels, etc. After a few stops on the way we arrive around noon when my family had been there about 2 hours already. So we set up and take pictures, play in the waves, attempt to fly kites, hear complaints about jellies. Around 2:30 we are all hungry so we decide to walk to the nearby Pink Pony club and get some food. My mom and Julie are to stop by and wash their feet at the outdoor showers and then meet us there. Some of the men and Easton are to stay behind and hold down the fort and we are to bring them food back.

We walk over, order drinks, order food and wait for food and still no mom or Julie. We are worried and make phone calls and still no mom or Julie. We meaning I am about to walk up the beach to check on mom and Julie when they all walk into the club. Mom, Julie, dad, Brad, and Easton come in and get a table. They meaning Julie had had enough of the beach for the day and packed up all their shit and then came to get something to eat. We finish our food with them and then take back food for Matt’s parents who are holding down the fort.

My family goes back to their hotel to try and wash off the sunburn that they all got at the beach. We stay a little longer at the beach relaxing and sunning. Marty decides early on this day that she was going to put on accelerator before she came to the beach and put on afro sheen at the beach to get burnt to a crisp and guess what her planned worked. I wanted to spend some time with my family so we met them at the hotel to decide what to do next. Matt and I tried to get Liz to take them back home so we could go do something with my family but I guess they were not quite ready to leave the beach. We went to this family fun place that had bumper boats, putt-putt, and race cars. Matt’s parents are not really the type to do this sort of thing despite the sunburn and sandy pants so Marty went to the truck and slept while Randy watched us ride.

We rode this two story wood race track called “Wild Wood” first and yes we all had fun joking about the name of the track. At the very end of the race I was making a move on my sister and Easton when we all went around a curve and I had Matt on one side and Brad on the other, the next thing I knew I was facing the wrong direction and stuck on the track. Knowing me I read all the disclaimers, no bumping, keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle, if you do get stuck on the track stay in your car. So I did. I would press the gas and go about 2 inches and hit the side then roll back 2 inches and of course they did not put a reverse in the cars which would have solved my problem. No, no I had to wait and watch everyone get off and finally one of the workers came to get me.

We all had a good time watching people ride the “Sky Coaster”. It is a thrill ride where you and up to two friends are harnessed together, lifted 100 feet in the air and let go to coast over the fun park. Matt and I did this at Six Flags when we first me and loved it but no one in our family was up to it.

It was time for us to go since Easton was cranky, Marty was asleep in the car, and we were out of tickets. We drove the hour back to Mobile while my family went out to dinner. When we got home we watched Juno with Liz and Marty got her a shower, a benedryl and she was out for the count.

The last day of our “vacation” we had to drive the hour back south to Gulf Shores to meet with my family and get our pictures taken on the beach. My mom had told me she wanted a picture of us all wearing white button down shirts and “jorts”. Well Matt doesn’t have any “jorts” and they don’t make white button up shirts big enough for Brad so she had to settle for Matt wearing blue jeans on the beach in 100 degree weather and Brad, Julie, and Easton in white t-shirts. Despite this I think the pictures turned out well.

Before we went to the beach we at lunch of course. Earlier that morning we were told that they wanted to do breakfast at Cracker Barrel upon which Matt says, “well we just won’t eat and we will leave early and go to Lambert’s on our way back”. Another phone call tells us just what Matt wanted to hear, “we are going to Lambert’s, the place where they throw the rolls. Yea.

Matt talked me into getting frog legs so he could try them. He got a whole skillet of ham. Julie got mashed potatoes and gravy which she sent back to get without gravy because the gravy had onions. Mom and dad split beef liver and onions. Brad got meatloaf and Easton ate a roll and got a green and it had to be green balloon. We all had a good time and got some tricks played on us. The waitress brought a gag pitcher of sweet tea and pretended to spill it on my dad’s white button up shirt and he almost jumped on top of me to try and get out of the way. My mom got offered a pot of stuffed road kill and Easton opened a candy box with a mouse in it.

We said our goodbyes and drove the hour back to Mobile to pack our things and drive 6.5 more hours home. We were tired, not sunburned thankfully, but tired of being torn by two families and annoyed by their particularities.

We got home Monday night to go to work Tuesday morning and to go out of town again the following weekend. What a vacation we had.

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robert said...
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