So this weekend SoCal and I decided to treat ourselves to an early Christmas gift. We rationalized that in order to buy for others we are going to need internet access since our family and friends live so far away. We purchased a new IMac desktop computer. I have no idea how to use a Mac but we also rationalized that in our past computer lives SoCal’s laptop has lived and died with more viruses than a streetwalker.
SoCal has been tinkering and fooling with the gadget since we brought it home Sunday night even though we don’t have any internet access as of now. Today is the day the cable guy comes to bring the magic. As soon as we have the magic we can begin our Christmas buying extravaganza. I have already planned on getting both our families webcams so on Christmas we can all see each other. I have a lot of other gifts in mind and hope to find some good deals online for my first year of cyber shopping.
Ok so on our first night of computer ownership I was watching tv in bed and about to turn in for the night when I heard a man’s voice whisper something. SoCal was already asleep so I turned off the television and listened thinking my ears were playing tricks on me. I wanted to get up and check out the house to make sure no one was about to make off with our new computer. Sparx got up to get some water and I took this as my opportunity to follow her thinking the crooks would be scarred of a giant black dog waddling through the dark house. So I looked in the office and the computer was still there and everything looked locked up and secure everywhere else. I went back to bed deciding that I had imagined it all.
Yesterday when I got home I sat down next to SoCal on the sofa and I heard the whisper again. I said did you hear that what is it? Is it your phone? He said oh it is the computer it tells you the time. So evidently every 15 min or so a weird robot like man’s voice whispers the time in our office, and I thought I was going crazy. I was actually trying to protect our new computer from itself.