This weekend Socal and I decided to do some much needed spring cleaning and when I say we decided I really mean I begged and pleaded for a few months and finally got what I wanted.
We started in the garage which is where the last tornado that went through touched down so more or less Ground Zero. I went through the x's stuff and chucked the trash, kept some things, and even found some of Socal's stuff mixed in. Socal put all his tools in the huge tool box that had before just been holding down the slab and now it is neatly organized. I swept up all the saw dust and random screws from the floor. I got some things together to give my dad for his yard sales this summer, stuff that was going to Goodwill but my dad insisted he would get when he comes up this weekend. I hung up some framed pictures that had been sitting in the floor for a while. They were pictures of our wedding and honeymoon that I just couldn't find the place to hand them and I found that place this weekend.
We also did some much needed errands this weekend. We bought some chalkboard paint for the BAR in our basement. We took my wedding rings to the jeweler to get re-coated in rhodium, which will hopefully keep me from breaking out due to the nickel that is in my white gold rings. We went to eye masters and Wal-Mart for me to get an eye exam but was out of luck both times. Socal's taxes got done but mine will hopefully get done tonight online. We shopped for Socal's dad a birthday present but came up empty handed there as well.
All in all it was a pretty productive weekend and thankfully since my parents and grandma are coming up this weekend I would like them to be able to walk through the garage without tripping. It really feels good to organize your house, it feels almost like I am organizing my life as well. A little less clutter makes me very happy.
Getting past the stressful, emotional, clutter that we had to deal with last week with Socal's job also help simplify our lives in the same way. Now we have put all that old stuff in the trash and can say goodbye to it and move on.