Here's Gibby

My photo
Norfolk, VA, United States
Just a girl from Mississippi who married a Sailor. Most people consider me weird and I consider most weird people normal.

27 March 2008

Spring in TN

Just some pics of my car ride home. I tried to capture the tunnel of white blooms that the Bradford Pears create. The city trims the trees over the road and they begin to form a perfect tunnel.

26 March 2008

These are a few images that I took yesterday while waiting for my $44 in gas to pump into my car. I noticed this sign because the wind was blowing pretty hard and the sign kept rotating so it was fun to try and time it just right to get the word liquor in the picture. It makes me want a drink too. Mmmm.

I took these pictures on my way home. I saw this little dog in the back of this car and just had to take it's picture. I just laughed looking at it, it is one of those so ugly it is cute dogs. This dog made my day in the middle of rush hour traffic I was stopping trying to take it's picture so I could keep that happy feeling it gave me.

25 March 2008

JPhotoshop Cowan

Well a guy at work always gets his head photoshopped on some funny picture or body and a few times by me. This past week he was bragging about how he saw himself on tv at the soccer championship game. He sent around a youtube video of his 2 seconds of fame and well I posted a pic of him up in the office of him at the soccer game.

Yes, I added the socks because no one would know it was J.P. without his argile socks; they were Cafra's idea.

I know this is office related but I chose to post it here because I am trying to keep the other site clean and strickly professional.