Here's Gibby

My photo
Norfolk, VA, United States
Just a girl from Mississippi who married a Sailor. Most people consider me weird and I consider most weird people normal.

02 May 2008

The not so new News

I have not blogged in a long time because I have been busy at work and not able to get on the internet. When I was blogging more often it was because I was doing casework for 4 weeks straight and I got bored. This gave me more time to blog but got me in big trouble. Now I am busy and not complaining even though I don’t get to blog as much. I would blog from home but our internet hasn’t worked in a while.

Matt's Strawberry Pott

So Socal and I are very busy in the yard with multiple projects going on right now. We are trying to finish up the deck benches, planting tons of trees that Socal got off the Arbor Day foundation website, mowing grass a constant chore, tilling up the front flower beds, mulching the front beds, and putting down border around the front beds.

ACE presentation table

Members of our ACE team this year

ACE scholarship winners from our team

Tuesday of this week Cafra, another ACE mentor, and myself drove to one of our High Schools because they were being featured on Channel 4’s Cool School segment this week. They ask us all a question and we wasted 2 hours waiting on the reporter and driving to and fro to find out that they cut us out of the segment. How could they? Where do they get the nerve to cut me out of their news.

Yesterday everyone in my office packed up and drove downtown to one of our projects. It is a small renovation at Baptist hospital for the NICU. The project manager and interior designer from our firm did a great job on the design but it is giving the contractor fits. The hospital is huge and has a goal of 8,000 births for 2008 which sounds like a baby factory to me.

After that a few of us toured a site in East Nashville called 5th and Main. It is a housing development with underground parking, retail, town homes, condos, and a pretty price tag. They are selling for $250 a square foot… WOW…

After we all were drooling over the spacious condo’s the Young Architects Forum members that toured the residential site went to Three Crow Bar and had our first drink on a rep. that works for Ally-Cassidy Brick and Block.

Socal and I are planning a trip with my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew to Gulf Shores in May. Socal and I are going to stay with his family in Mobile to save money and drive to Gulf Shores to have fun on the beach with both families since it is only about 30 minutes drive I think.

This weekend we are going to go to this Tequila bar called Agave to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. They are having live Luca Libre Wrestling with Midgets and Mini Wrestlers.
For the next 2 weeks I will be attending Structures classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights to help me pass my exams. I have been going over the program that I will be using to take the Site Planning test just to get used to all the buttons and commands.

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