Well it has been a very long time since I have blogged. One reason was because I was in the process of moving and had no computer and the second reason is my new job takes up all my time and I only get on the internet about 5 min. a day on average.
So here’s the scoop.
SoCal got transferred to Norfolk, VA by the Navy. He is stationed on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower which is an air craft carrier. He is still waiting on his radiation detector before he can go into the reactor so he has been toughing it out doing minimal tasks appointed to him, studying for his qualifying exams, doing random things and basically who knows what he really does anyways.
Whatever he is doing it is a whole hell of a lot better than recruiting and I have only wined one time so far. I wined because he has to do 24 hours shifts sometimes and he was going to miss my softball tournament, but the tournament was cancel because of the pseudo hurricane turned tropical storm Hanna, of which I called Hanna Montana because looks can be deceiving and I have seen worse weather conditions on a sunny day in the south. (Wow that was a really long sentence that should probably be multiple sentences but anyone who reads this will know in advance that I don’t really strive for excellent punctuation and grammar.)
As for my job I am doing basically what I did at TMP which is a CADD monkey except here I have caught a lot of things on my own. Well at TMP someone (DC) would get out their red pen and redline everything so that someone in high school home economics class could fix it. Here I have to redline my own things and they just tell me to go do the plan details and I do. My project architect will redline them but I have brought up new details that we need and new issues that have not been found. Basically the things I learned at TMP come in handy here since the project that I am working on needs a little help. I also got taught how to do a spec section last week which is a new one for me.
My office is a lot of fun as well and like TMP it is the people that make it that way. Most of the people that sit in my area are a lot of fun to work with. We have our occasional few that are not favorites as does TMP. I have not encountered so much brown nosing political friendships here as at TMP but I have not met the high-uppity people yet.
Our house is still for sale and empty so if you know anyone looking to buy send them our way. We are paying rent on a small 3 bedroom house in a neighborhood for retirees in Norfolk as well as mortgage. For this reason I am thankful that both of our new jobs pay more and we are also trying to cut back on things like cable, internet, and going to the movies to help.

This weekend we are doing a practice run at the beach for our sandcastle competition idea. I am helping out with my first sandcastle competition and it is Sept. 28th. I am so excited but also nervous because it seems like it would be very hard. Our theme is Neptune’s Olympics and we were initially going to do King Neptune with sea creatures but then we simplified our idea and are going to do the creatures racing after a wreath or a metal of some kind. Anyways….
So I guess that is all I can remember right now to catch up on but I will try and keep up with my blogging.
Peace out
SoCal got transferred to Norfolk, VA by the Navy. He is stationed on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower which is an air craft carrier. He is still waiting on his radiation detector before he can go into the reactor so he has been toughing it out doing minimal tasks appointed to him, studying for his qualifying exams, doing random things and basically who knows what he really does anyways.
Whatever he is doing it is a whole hell of a lot better than recruiting and I have only wined one time so far. I wined because he has to do 24 hours shifts sometimes and he was going to miss my softball tournament, but the tournament was cancel because of the pseudo hurricane turned tropical storm Hanna, of which I called Hanna Montana because looks can be deceiving and I have seen worse weather conditions on a sunny day in the south. (Wow that was a really long sentence that should probably be multiple sentences but anyone who reads this will know in advance that I don’t really strive for excellent punctuation and grammar.)
As for my job I am doing basically what I did at TMP which is a CADD monkey except here I have caught a lot of things on my own. Well at TMP someone (DC) would get out their red pen and redline everything so that someone in high school home economics class could fix it. Here I have to redline my own things and they just tell me to go do the plan details and I do. My project architect will redline them but I have brought up new details that we need and new issues that have not been found. Basically the things I learned at TMP come in handy here since the project that I am working on needs a little help. I also got taught how to do a spec section last week which is a new one for me.
My office is a lot of fun as well and like TMP it is the people that make it that way. Most of the people that sit in my area are a lot of fun to work with. We have our occasional few that are not favorites as does TMP. I have not encountered so much brown nosing political friendships here as at TMP but I have not met the high-uppity people yet.
Our house is still for sale and empty so if you know anyone looking to buy send them our way. We are paying rent on a small 3 bedroom house in a neighborhood for retirees in Norfolk as well as mortgage. For this reason I am thankful that both of our new jobs pay more and we are also trying to cut back on things like cable, internet, and going to the movies to help.
A few weekends ago SoCal invited me on his ship for family fun day. It was a day where the sailors could invite their entire family on the ship and see what it is like. We had to be on the ship at 4am where we had breakfast and then watched as Norfolk and Virginia Beach passed by. After that we hung out in the lounge area with SoCal’s nuke friends and yes they are a nerdy bunch. Then we took a nap in SoCal’s tiny bunk, and yes we both fit if we spooned really tight. Then we ate lunch and SoCal gave me a tour of the ship and the only area I could not tour was the area that SoCal works in. We all went out onto the flight deck middle of the Atlantic Ocean and launched and landed a few planes and of course a few maneuvers with fake bombs and such. Last we just hung out in SoCal’s berthing and watched as the guys got bored and started lighting things on fire and taping each other to chairs. So all in all I had a great time meeting SoCal’s friends.
We have been out to eat a few times with a couple of the guys that SoCal hangs out with most.
I have made a few friends at work as well. Sara, Emilee and I have been to the beach together and out to dinner followed by dessert at The Boot which is an Italian restaurant hence the name. We ate at this restaurant called Ibeza which is a Spanish inspired restaurant that serves tapas. I had no idea what tapas were but apparently they are way over priced small portions of food that you are supposed to share around the table like an appetizer except there is barely enough to share. The two highlights of the night out with the girls was the Date pudding dessert at The Boot and Emilee getting toasted and almost getting in a fight with this girl at The Boot over a sip of wine. Long story….
I have made a few friends at work as well. Sara, Emilee and I have been to the beach together and out to dinner followed by dessert at The Boot which is an Italian restaurant hence the name. We ate at this restaurant called Ibeza which is a Spanish inspired restaurant that serves tapas. I had no idea what tapas were but apparently they are way over priced small portions of food that you are supposed to share around the table like an appetizer except there is barely enough to share. The two highlights of the night out with the girls was the Date pudding dessert at The Boot and Emilee getting toasted and almost getting in a fight with this girl at The Boot over a sip of wine. Long story….

This weekend we are doing a practice run at the beach for our sandcastle competition idea. I am helping out with my first sandcastle competition and it is Sept. 28th. I am so excited but also nervous because it seems like it would be very hard. Our theme is Neptune’s Olympics and we were initially going to do King Neptune with sea creatures but then we simplified our idea and are going to do the creatures racing after a wreath or a metal of some kind. Anyways….
So I guess that is all I can remember right now to catch up on but I will try and keep up with my blogging.
Peace out