Here's Gibby

My photo
Norfolk, VA, United States
Just a girl from Mississippi who married a Sailor. Most people consider me weird and I consider most weird people normal.

25 March 2008

JPhotoshop Cowan

Well a guy at work always gets his head photoshopped on some funny picture or body and a few times by me. This past week he was bragging about how he saw himself on tv at the soccer championship game. He sent around a youtube video of his 2 seconds of fame and well I posted a pic of him up in the office of him at the soccer game.

Yes, I added the socks because no one would know it was J.P. without his argile socks; they were Cafra's idea.

I know this is office related but I chose to post it here because I am trying to keep the other site clean and strickly professional.

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