Here's Gibby

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Norfolk, VA, United States
Just a girl from Mississippi who married a Sailor. Most people consider me weird and I consider most weird people normal.

17 December 2007

Fun weekend

This past Thursday night we had our yearly TMP Christmas party. The food was pretty bad but the drinks were good mainly because they were free. We all had a merry good time meeting new spouses/guests. Matt and I got a chance to meet one of the new guy’s girlfriends. Shelly is very spunky and is perfect for Ryan since they are opposites, he is very quite and she is a firecracker.

So Friday after work someone told me that Ryan and Shelly were going to see I am legend and Matt and I also wanted to see it. So I called Ryan and we talked about getting tickets and them being sold out so I better get some quick for the IMAX Theater. I called the Fandango line and it wasn’t giving me the same time as Ryan and Shelly’s show time. So we decide to just go to the theater early and buy them. Well we got them but not at the same time and not in the IMAX. We ate dinner and went to the movie. It was really intense in some parts and sad in others so a really good movie. Now I am defiantly reading the book. Afterwards we waited around Dave and Buster’s for Ryan and Shelly’s movie to get out. They came over and played some games and had drinks until we got kicked out because they were closing. I am finally glad to have a couple to hang out with that lives close by and doesn't have kids.
Everyone at the Christmas party was invited out Saturday night to a local Tequila bar for Jennifer’s birthday. I was excited and really planning on going but I should know better than to plan something with my hubby and his work schedule. He didn’t get home until around 9:30 so we just stayed in. We had a good time Friday night so I guess I can be thankful and know that I am not really good for two nights of going out in one weekend. I like to stay home and wrap presents and watch movies and do regular stuff. After reading Cafra’s blog I am really glad I didn’t end up out at a crowded bar getting my boob elbowed by drunken 22 year olds.

I also went into work Saturday to catch up on some notes and work and will probably be working late all week to catch up some more. After work I purchased a few Christmas presents and got my Christmas card pictures printed. When I got home I began wrapping presents and filling out Christmas cards and didn’t stop until a few movies later when my neighbor’s boys knocked on the door. They asked to borrow our phone. I was on the phone at the time with Matt so I hung up with him and let them use my cell. They were calling their mom to get them a memory card for their play station so they could save their game. I asked why their phone wasn’t working and they said it had gotten cut off. Then they began to tell me that their dad gave them $250 each for Christmas, this didn’t make sense to me. So I talked to them about Christmas presents and about how they helped fix up our house before we bought it. Then one of the boys wanted to see Matt’s car in the garage. So I took him down there and he saw my large collection of yard sale crap which is quickly turning into good will crap. I ended up giving him a lava lamp belonging to Matt’s ex-wife and a Coca-Cola clock given to me by my ex-boyfriend.

Sunday I was trying to do a little tidying up so I was washing clothes. I had on my favorite warm, fuzzy socks that my dog always confuses for her favorite stuffed animal. I don’t know if she just hates the socks as much as Matt and just doesn’t think I should wear them or if she wants them for herself. So I had an arm load of laundry heading down the steps to our basement with my fuzzy socks on. I hit the fourth step down and down I went. The first thing to hit was my ass bone then I butt bumped the rest of the way down and went splat into the wall at the end of the stairs. This is the moment I began to crawl away from the scene like a wounded animal kicking my feet to take my attention away from the pain in my ass. Matt ran down stairs and was lying in the floor with me asking if I was ok. I was halfway laughing and crying at the same time. So today I am hobbling a little like an old lady.

1 comment:

k-rin & day-vid said...

Love the new do!!! Can't wait to see you next week!!